Our Production

About Our Production

Production with

Precision and Experience

The production time varies slightly depending on the type of product you choose, its size, and the number of additional details you want. Typically, it takes around 3 weeks, but it cannot take less than 2 weeks after we finalize the design with our craftsmen.

The final product's quality largely depends on the experience and skills of the craftsmen. We are committed to achieving excellent results, which is why it's crucial to work with skilled professionals who have extensive experience in crafting such products. After all, they are the reason our furniture is both beautiful and durable.

To ensure you receive a perfect result, we recommend that you entrust the entire process to our professional team. They have full expertise in crafting each unique product and know exactly what is required to make it look great and last long.


For production, we use solid wood slabs with a thickness of 30–55 mm, made from wood species such as oak, cedar, or poplar. The wood must be dry, and the slab dimensions must exceed the size of the finished table. Epoxy resin applied in layers of 50 mm or more prevents defects and air bubbles. The use of oils provides extra protection and enhances the texture. Proper material selection ensures the product's strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal.

To achieve a smooth and even tabletop, the surface is planed. The slab is placed on a workbench and milled on both sides to remove any irregularities. The process takes time, but the result is well worth the effort

Deretter slipes overflaten med maskin og sandpapir med kornstørrelse 120–150, noe som fjerner små feil og forbedrer teksturen. Valg av verktøy og sandpapir avhenger av ønsket resultat og tretypen.

Epoxy resin hardens when its two components are mixed. It is essential to use all necessary materials in the correct proportions. Each production phase can be documented on video so that new craftsmen can follow the instructions if they have any questions. Proper mixing techniques are crucial for achieving a successful result

Ved blanding helles først harpiksen i en ren beholder, etterfulgt av herderen. Dette er en enkel, men kritisk prosess som krever maksimal nøyaktighet.

Even with the utmost precision during the casting process, small imperfections can occur—air bubbles, uneven color distribution, or other minor flaws. To remove these, specialized tools such as a needle or fine wire can be used to puncture air bubbles, or an additional application of resin can be applied to correct uneven color distribution. It is crucial that all adjustments are made before the resin begins to cure

Once the tabletop has fully cured, the mold is removed, giving the product its final shape. The finishing phase then begins, with special oils applied to enhance durability and protect against external factors.

Afterward, a thin layer (up to 3 mm) of epoxy resin is applied to the surface. This guarantees top-quality results, with a glossy and flawless finish that is immediately noticeable

In addition to selecting the wood and working with resin, extra decorative elements can be added to give the table a unique touch. For example, various metal components such as legs, inserts, or decorative details can be used, as well as natural materials like moss and pinecones

Det er også mulig å bruke forskjellige dekorasjonsteknikker som gravering, innleggsarbeid eller maling. Valget av dekorative elementer avhenger av personlige preferanser og den generelle stilen i interiøret.